Sunday, February 3, 2013

February Goals

It's February and that means it's time to set my goals for the month.  I'm keeping it simple again.

On the cutting table, you will find 36 one and a half inch squares.  By the end of the month they will be a lovely heart shaped pincushion.  I can't wait to finish it up and show you.  This month I am also participating in a zip pouch swap so I need to whip up a lovely pouch for my partner.  I've been stalking her pinterest page and I have a pretty good idea of what I will be making.  I just need to start cutting into some fabrics.  Last, but not least, this month I hope to get the 2012 Craftsy quilt top, basted and quilted.

That's it for this month's goals.  To recap, I'll be:
  1. Creating a heart shaped pincushion;
  2. Constructing a zip pouch; and
  3. Basting & quilting the 2012 Craftsy BOM quilt top.  
I hope you will join me in setting your goals and sharing them at 

                                                   My Button


  1. What a great idea Kimberly.
    I cant wait to see that heart pincushion, I am intrigued.

  2. Your pincushion will be lovely! Good luck with your February goals :)

  3. Tiny squares- should be a lovely pin cushion! Well done on setting realistic goals, a good plan!

    Have you recently set your blog to web view only rather than mobile view? I haven't noticed before, but so much nicer to visit with an iPad - thank you

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