Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Another Quilting Blog?

What motivates you to search for, read, or subscribe to a quilting blog? 

I've been quilting here and there for the last five years or so and it is a past time I thoroughly enjoy.  I often turn to quilting blogs for inspiration, instruction, motivation and let's face it....those give aways are pretty enticing, aren't they?  Over the years, I have found some amazing blogs and I've toyed with the idea of creating my own blog, but I've hesitated to act.  I am a quilting novice.  I make mistakes.  I would never present myself as an expert quilter and let's face it...there are a LOT of quilting blogs out there.  Do we really need another one?

In the past couple of months, my view on quilting blogs as changed.  Blogs are not just encyclopedic notations about quilting.  They are not just free images to guide us as we undertake our next project.  They are a way for us to engage with the greater quilting community...a way to make friends with quilters in our own communities and around the world...a way to share our lives, our culture, our creations and our mistakes with others.

Join me as I undertake this new adventure and share my love of life and creating with you.  I'll endeavor to inspire, instruct and motivate you and I promise to even throw in a few give aways here and there. 

In the next few months, I will share with you several works-in-progress (WIPs) and with the accountability that comes with a blog, I promise to even finish a few!  Here's a list of just a few things waiting for my attention:

  • Mug Rugs for some fabulous realtors
  • Dresden Wall Hanging
  • Quilting Snail's Trail Quilt for a Full Size Bed
  • Block for the Star of Africa International Quilt Bee
  • Christmas Bunting with a Twist
  • And what am I going to do with all these hexis???

Stay tuned.....there's much more to come!


  1. Hi Kim and welcome in Bloglandia! This blog looks very promising. If you put in a follower button I'll sign up :-)

  2. Lovely to meet you, here in blogland! I'll sign up too. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your projects here :)

  3. Hi! Just want to add my welcome too :) This quilting blog thing is a whole lotta fun! Can't wait to see your stuff :)

  4. Welcome to blogland! As for the hexies... I'm a ginger monkey blog (Katy Jones) is doing a hexie quilt along. They'd be perfect for that!!
